class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Voronoi Data Linkage ## Extracting Information from Polygons to Points ###
Lucas da Cunha Godoy
Luis Gustavo Silva e Silva
Douglas Roberto Mesquita
1st Conference on Statistics and Data Science
Salvador - Bahia, Brasil
2018/10/16 --- class: middle bg-main1 hide-slide-number .outline[ ## Outline * Introduction * Method * Application * Conclusion ] --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ .font5[Introduction] ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # What is .text-hl[Data Linkage]? -- <br> ## It is a method used to gather .text-hl[information] from ## .text-hl[different sources], giving rise to .text-hl[richer datasets] --- class: middle center bg-main2 # What is .text-hl[Spatial Join]? -- <br> ## It is a .text-hl[GIS] operation used to .text-hl[combine information] ## from different sources of .text-hl[spatial data] based on a given ## relationship between their spatial features --- class: split-two[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ]][[ # Example 2 ]][[ # Example 3 ]] ]][[
]] --- class: split-two fade-row2-col1 fade-row3-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ]][[ # Example 3 ]] ]][[ <!-- --> ]] --- class: split-two fade-row2-col1 fade-row3-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ]][[ # Example 3 ]] ]][[ <!-- --> ]] --- class: split-two fade-row1-col1 fade-row3-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ## Polygons
Points ]][[ # Example 3 ]] ]][[ <!-- --> ]] --- class: split-two fade-row1-col1 fade-row3-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ## Polygons
Points ]][[ # Example 3 ]] ]][[ <!-- --> ]] --- class: split-two fade-row1-col1 fade-row2-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ## Polygons
Points ]][[ # Example 3 ## Points
Polygons ]] ]][[ <!-- --> ]] --- class: split-two fade-row1-col1 fade-row2-col1 count: false[ .split-three[[[ # Example 1 ## Polygons
Polygons ]][[ # Example 2 ## Polygons
Points ]][[ # Example 3 ## Points
Polygons ]] ]][[
]] --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ .font5[Method] ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 count: false # .text-hl[Definitions] --- class: bg-main2 .split-two[ .column[[ <!-- --> ]] .column[[ ### `$$Y = \{Y_1, ..., Y_{n_y} \}$$`, where `\(Y_i \in A \forall i\)`. ]] ] --- class: bg-main2 .split-two[ .column[[ <!-- --> ]] .column[[ ### `\(Z = \{Z_1, ..., Z_{n_z} \}\)`, where `\(\cup_{i = 1}^{n_z} Z_i = A\)`. <br> ### `\(X_k = \{X_{k,1}, ..., X_{k,p} \}\)` is a vector of continous variables belonging ### to `\(Z_k\)`. ]]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # How can we .text-hl[extract data] from Spatial .text-hl[Polygons] to Spatial .text-hl[Points]? -- Consider that we want to extract, or estimate, the variable `\(X_{., 1}\)` observed in the spatial polygons `\(\{Z\}\)` for each point `\(\{Y\}\)`. --- class: center middle bg-main1 count: false # .text-hl[Naive Approach] --- class: center bg-main1 .split-two[ .column[[ <!-- --> ]] .column[[ ### `\(X^*_{k,1} = \{ X_{j, 1} : Y_k \subset Z_j \}\)` ]] ] --- class: center middle bg-main1 <br> ### `$$E[X^*_{k, 1}] = E[\{ X_{j, 1} : Y_k \subset Z_j \}]$$` <br> ### `$$Var[X^*_{k, 1}] = Var[\{ X_{j, 1} : Y_k \subset Z_j \}]$$` --- class: center middle bg-main2 count: false # .text-hl[Voronoi Data Linkage] --- class: center middle bg-main2 # Voronoi Tessellation  --- class: center middle bg-main2 .split-two[ .column[[ <!-- --> ]] .column[[ Now, we have a voronoi cell `\(V_k\)` associated to each point `\(Y_k\)`. ]] ] --- class: center middle bg-main2 .split-two[ .column[[  ]] .column[[ ### `\(p_{j, k} = \frac{Area(Z_j \cap V_k)}{Area(V_k)}\)` ]] ] --- class: center middle bg-main2 ### `\(X^*_{k, 1} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n_z} p_{i, k} X_{i, 1}\)` -- <br> ### `\(E[X^*_{k, 1}] = \sum_{i = 1}^{n_z} p_{i, k} E[X_{i, 1}]\)` -- ### `\(Var[X^*_{k, 1}] = \sum_{i = 1}^{n_z} p^2_{i, k} Var[X_{i, 1}] + 2 \mathop{\sum \sum}_{i < j} p_{j, k} p_{i, k} Cov(X_{j, 1}, X_{i, 1})\)` --- class: center middle bg-main3 count: false # .text-hl[Recap] --- class: bg-main3 middle ### Naive Approach * `\(Var[X^*_{k, 1}] = Var[\{ X_{j, 1} : Y_k \subset Z_j \}]\)` * Does not take advantage of all available data; * More variability; * Does not inherit the autocovariance structure from data; ### Voronoi Data Linkage * `\(Var[X^*_{k, 1}] = \sum_{i = 1}^{n_z} p^2_{i, k} Var[X_{i, 1}] + 2 \mathop{\sum \sum}_{i < j} p_{j, k} p_{i, k} Cov(X_{j, 1}, X_{i, 1})\)` * Takes advatange of all available data; * Less variability; * Inherits the autocovariance structure from data; --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ .font5[Application: Brazil Elections Data] ]] --- class: bg-main1 middle .center[# The Data] * Data from .text-hl[electoral sections] for President in the city of .text-hl[São Paulo] (2014) - .text-hl[Spatial Points]; * Number of electors; * percent of votes for each candidate in the second round * Socio demographic data from .text-hl[IBGE census sectros] (2010) - .text-hl[Spatial Polygons]; * population, average income, household density, illiteracy rate, proportion of white people, proportion of women, and several variables about the proportion of people in different ages groups. --- class: bg-main1 middle center # Prediction <img src="img/boxplot_pred.png" width=600px> <br> <br> For more analysis on this dataset, see [this link]( --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ .font5[Conclusions and Future Work] ]] --- class: bg-main5 middle center hide-slide-number # # [
](https::// # [